Rebate Qualifying Tankless Install
Tankless Water Heater Rebates are still available to Southern California residents. You may have been wondering if California residents still qualified for any rebates towards new tankless water heaters.The answer is yes!
We worked with a water heater customer in Murietta, California recently named Joe. He called All Star Water Heaters office in Menifee for answers about using a tankless water heater in his home.
Tankless water heaters models are a popular instant hot water choice for Southern California residents. Many say they’re upgrading from tank models to tankless as a way of going green. Others decide to go tankless for cost benefits down the road and as another way of conserving water.
Not only was he very happy with his new tankless water heater, he was also pleased to know he’d be getting a rebate back.
Here’s a snap shot of his recent tankless water heater installed at his house. Thanks Joe, for trusting us with your new water heater install!
If you live in San Bernardino, Riverside or San Diego Counties, call us with your water heater rebate questions. If you’re all set and ready to go tankless, we can help you with that too.
Call us toll-free at 800 727 0977. Our water heater experts will explain how the rebate program works and help you find the best model of tankless water heaters to suit your needs.